On October 19th, 2021, during Hispanic Heritage Month, the Latin American & Latina/o Studies Program (LALS) is continuing to present programming relevant to the Latinx experience. Professor Norma Fuentes-Mayorga has prepared a special talk for our Department, the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership. Professor Mayorga will be speaking about the key role of Professors and Mentors in Minority-Majority Schools as part of the First Generation Empowerment Workshop. This talk will take place at 12:30pm-1:45pm and the link to register is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0iytapFKd5V8wmzj5bWQRxr5_kVVY3fJqPbkZW0e6AuE5Mw/viewform

In addition, Dr. Fuentes Mayorga has led a special workshop: “Pigmentocracy: Hispanics, Colorism & the LatinX Generation” which was prepared for Adelante: Hispanic and Latino Professionals & the LatinX Decoded Network, on
September 24, 2021 (12-2pm).
Dr. Fuentes-Mayorga will also be presenting “The US Hispanic Population & The Challenges of Ambiguous Racial Identities” on October 12th, 2021 (2-3pm), prepared for Diageo and Diageo Cares. She is Assistant Professor in Sociology in Latin American and Latina/o Studies.