This year’s conference of Ford Fellows was titled Reclaiming Knowledge for an Equitable Future. It took place from October 8-10, 2020, in New York City, and gathered fellows of the Ford Foundation grants in a variety of disciplines.
Dr. Iris López, Director of the LALS Program at City College, participated in this year’s conference as part of New Fellows Orientation. Dr. López’s research on sterilization abuse of Puerto Rican women has highlighted crucial connections to globalization, reproductive freedom, and social justice. As an invited speaker and panelist at numerous U.S.-based and international conferences, Dr. López continues to present critical work and speak about her areas of expertise in Latino/ education, gender issues, pre-natal care, and sterilization abuse.

For the Fall 2020 semester, Professor López is teaching LALS 31136, Migration, Gender, and Health in Latinx Communities, and LALS 13100, The Hispanic Child in the Urban Environment. Next Spring semester, 2021, Dr. López will also be teaching LALS 13100, as well as LALS 31300, Latinas and Reproduction Rights.