Mission Statement
The Dominican Studies Association supports the diffusion of intellectual production by providing Dominican Studies scholars the opportunity to create supportive networks, cultivate alternative agendas beyond their respective institutions and address polemic issues impacting the homeland, local, and global Dominican diasporic communities.
This year, due to the biennial’s online format, we are offering the conference free of charge for both participants and panelists. Instead, we are kindly asking for a $30 donation to help offset the cost for this year’s 2020 DSA Biennial Conference.
REGISTER AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://hostos-cuny-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wJHseIuHR6yfFIuUYUA88A:
Welcome (Open to All)
Panel 13: Streetwalking: LGBTQ+ Activists in the Dominican Republic and its Diaspora
Chair: Ana-Maurine Lara, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Rosanna Marzán, Executive Director, Diversidad Dominicana, Santo Domingo, DR
Deivis Ventura, Founder, Red de Voluntarios de Amigos Siempre Amigos, Santo Domingo, DR
Carlos Rodríguez, Individuos Unidos por el Respeto y la Armonía (IURA), Santo Domingo, DR
Ana-Maurine Lara, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Panel 26: Social and Cultural Perspectives on COVID-19
Moderator: Norma Fuentes-Mayorga, Sociology/Latin American-Latina/o Studies, City College
Lina N. Cordero, Sociologist, Events Coordinator, Verania Consulting, Santo Domingo
“Muerte, cultura funeraria, entierros masivos y dolientes ausentes en la pandemia”
Stephen Ippolito, University at Albany Ph.D. Student/School of Professional Studies Instructor
“Killer Pandemics: Diabetes and COVID-19 Crisis”
Nelson Santana, Assistant Professor/Reference Librarian, Bronx Community College, CUNY
“The COVID-19 Dominican Oral History Project”
Maria Cristina Fumagalli, Professor of Literature, University of Essex, Colchester, England
“Stranger than Fiction: Toward a New Haitian-Dominican Narrative under Covid-19”
Bridgette Wooding, Director, Caribbean Migrants Observatory (OBMICA), Santo Domingo
“Stranger than Fiction: Toward a New Haitian-Dominican Narrative under Covid-19”
Panel 34: Ethnic Studies in the Ivy League: A Roundtable Discussion
Chair: Lorgia García-Peña, Romance Languages and Literatures Department, Harvard U
Aracely Alicia García, student activist, ‘20 graduate, Stanford University
Alondra Ponce, student activist, currently attending Harvard University
Ana Ramos-Zayas, American Studies and Anthropology, Yale University
Jonathan Rosa, Center for Comparative Studies of Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University
Frances Negrón-Muntaner, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University
Lorgia García-Peña, Romance Languages and Literatures Department, Harvard U
Elena Valdez, Modern/Classical Languages & Literatures, Christopher Newport U, VA
Sharina Maillo-Pozo, Romance Languages Department, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Rachel Afi Quinn, Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies/Cultural Studies, U of Houston, Texas
Scherezade García, Visual Artist, Co-founder of the Dominican York Proyecto/Gráfica
Dulcina Abreu, Independent Curator, Artist, and Museum Advocate in Washington D.C.
Closing / Farewell / Open to All
Virtual toast, Directory of DSA2020 Virtually@hostos participants sent to all.
Projections for 2022